Aaron is an arrowhead plant, or SYNGONIUM Allusion - He's variegated with blushy tones on his green arrowhead-shaped leaves. His Latin name is Syngonium podophyllum. He has an almost blushy toned leaf. He's very easy to care for, and not fussy!
He is a pretty climbing plant, or a great vine-style one that can go great with your strings-of-things plants!
The species is native to a wide region of Latin America from Mexico to Bolivia, and he has become naturalized in the West Indies, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, and other warmer locales.
• Light: Low to Medium light
• Water: Water when the top 1" of soil feels dry
• Considerations: Air Purifying!
Pot note: Some of our plant pots have drainage, some do not. For watering care on specific plants - please ask for assistance after purchase! ALL POTS ARE WHITE