Montgomery is a fabulous, colorful, iridescent plant with awesome leggy growth. He's super easy to care for, and propogates very easily. He blooms little purple flowers as he ages if you keep him happy. We picture him with suspenders and a bow tie... Maybe he makes craft cocktails at an English pub? He has lots of common names - listed below!
• Light: Bright, indirect light
• Water: Let dry out about 50-75% between waterings.
• Considerations: VERY easy to care for, you guys. A brand NEW plant parent can handle this guy.
In past years, he was know as the "wandering Jew" plant, but we choose to use the newer and less antisemitic version, Tradescantia - (Or Montgomery, of course!). He's also known as the inch plant, flowering inch plant, wandering Willie, wandering jewel (because he's so shiny!), purple crawler, purple queen, or spiderwort.
If you'd like to read a little more about his scandals -