Slick, the fabulous marble queen pothos can survive in low light conditions, but grows faster and produces more leaves in medium or bright indirect light. Be careful, though. He's not great outdoors at all, nor is he good in a very bright light situation. He's kinda fair-skinned, and is prone to sunburn in those settings!
Slick is a Epipremnum aureum Marble Queen, or commonly known as a 'Marble Queen Pothos". You can read about the various types of "pothos" or Epipremnum aureum in this article we wrote!
• Light: Medium to bright, indirect light
• Water: Let dry 75% to 100% out inbetween watering.
• Considerations: VERY easy to care for, you guys. A brand NEW plant parent can handle this queen.
Pot note: Some of our plant pots have drainage, some do not. For watering care on specific plants - please ask for assistance after purchase!