Journal — pothos

Everyone's favorite houseplant - The Pothos (see below for better taxonomy!!)
plant history plant identification pothos rare plants

Here we will discuss the different varieties of Epipremnum aureum or 'Pothos'. This will not include varieties of scindapsus pictus - Those will be discussed HERE. Please know that "pothos" used in this article is the common name of plants in the Epipremnum aureum species. Looking a little deeper, you'll find that pothos is actually a completely different genera of plant - but for ease of communication, we'll use the common name throughout this article.
Epipremnum is a genus of plants in the Araceae (or Aroid) family. It includes the aureum species and all varieties and clones including the most popular golden and marble queen, and the rarer N'joy, Glacier, and Manjula. These are what we'll discuss here! We'll try to make it fun, but educational (as the two seem to be mutually exclusive in the market :) ). Some of these will note a VKC registration date - this is the date which the VKC decided that the distinctness of particular cultivar was enough to distinguish it. Some of these varieties are easily available, and some very difficult to find regularly.
SCINDAPSUS PICTUS - Exotica, Silvery Ann, or Argyraeus? Help me identify my silver satin!